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Building Operations Control Center (BOCC)

Dashboards & Benchmarking


Dashboards for the campus, individual buildings and core teams are reviewed daily to monitor and adjust building health and performance in areas such as energy (electrical/gas) and water usage. Dashboards display real-time data using advanced meters against goals and other metrics to make informed decisions.


The following benchmarking metrics are used as feed- back information to identify how buildings are performing and correct abnormal operation. Each metric below compares the current FY to date vs the previous FY to date.

  1. Energy Utilization Index (EUI) kBTU/sq.ft.
  2. EUI normalized for monthly average temperature.
  3. Electrical (kWh) consumption
  4. Natural Gas (therms) consumption
  5. Water (gallons) consumption
  6. Industrial, Landscaping, and Agricultural (ILA) (gallons) consumption

During the BOCC Real-Time Commissioning (RT-Cx) Monthly core team meetings these charts along with other more detailed building charts are displayed for each core team.

About the BOCC

Intelligent Buildings

Living Laboratory
