About the BOCC
The Building Operations Control Center (BOCC) combines human capital with intelligent infrastructure, resulting in a Living Laboratory asset.
The brain of PNNL's campus operations is the Building Operations Control Center (BOCC) — a portal for people to connect to intelligent infrastructure from the smart grid, down to buildings, systems and components. Real-time data is used to make informed decisions resulting in reduced facility operation cost.

The BOCC connects Facility & Operations staff, R&D researchers, and our building infrastructure. As facilities become more intelligent the BOCC connects our people and systems, enabling smarter decisions.
The BOCC enables collaboration between PNNL's Facilities and Operations (F&O) and our Research & Development (R&D) experts, as well as other National Laboratories with the goal of discovering and applying the latest technology. This holistic approach creates an intelligent operational campus and applies a "Living Laboratory" approach to our facilities and research.
Data from the BOCC is communicated directly to building engineers who use it to optimize energy, extend asset life, and enhance the reliability and efficiency of PNNL's campus. Data is collected from the Building Automation System (BAS), energy dashboard software and in-house-developed R&D software—DSOM—to perform diagnostics, trending, and analytics.